Let’s talk about DIY at home remedies for hard water removal

Clarifying shampoos remove the products that build up in our hair.  Sweat, natural oils, products and hard water build up congeal into a substance that is unique unto its own.  To remove and set your curls free I give a list of possible ingredients for a at home DIY detox bath.  If you have a Keratin in your hair or Brazilian Blow-Out, please only use Vitamin C from this regimen list if you want to preserve your treatment.   All ingredients mentioned are for topical use.


Sea Salt

Sugar In The Raw

Apple Cider Vinegar Powder 

Vitamin C Powder

Activated Charcoal Powder

Baking Soda

Bentonite Clay



To remove a Keratin or Brazilian Blowout from hair shaft mix sea salt with grape seed oil and apply heavily to freshly shampooed hair.  Let oil congeal on hair for 2 hours incubated with heat from a shower cap.  Follow with a rinse and two thorough shampoos.  Finish with a deep conditioner.  


I have many clients ask me questions about maintaining their curly looks for several days after wash day.  Every situation is different because of texture/coils, moisture retention due to porosity, how you position yourself when you sleep and how much you sweat.


How we start on wash day is not how we will end our look as the style continues.  Beginning with the very best routine for your hair is essential.  I’m just now getting more into plopping the curls with my clients.  It makes the curls so much more elastic and bouncy!  


Sleeping on wet curls in my opinion is counterproductive.  There are clients who take showers at night after working out.  My advice is to diffuse and be completely dry before hitting the pillow. 


Let’s talk about the basics.  Cotton sheets  and pillow cases dry out curls. Switching from cotton to satin or silk is recommend.  Even one night in a hotel with cotton bedding can ruin a great style.


For those with 2a-2c (wavy) type hair,  a loose pineapple bun on top of the crown with a satin scrunchy is a go-to if your hair is just past your shoulders with medium density and loose curls.  If your hair is truly thick with stiffer curls a pineapple won’t work.  


If you have longer hair, I suggest parting the hair like a peace sign.  In the front hair line and crown make one pineapple.  On the sides divide hair in half and make Princess Lea pineapple buns.  Then with a hair net or silk/satin scarf wear over your pineapples so they don’t move around or get crushed while you sleep.  There are various sizes of hair nets depending on your needs.  If your hair is super fine and soft it may feel as if the hair net will fall off while you are sleeping.  Another option is to first put on the hair net and then wear a silk/satin scarf or adjustable cap over it.  


3a- 4c If your hair acts more like a bundle and gets squished easily when sleeping, a wrap method is most likely the best option for you when going to sleep. 


Manes by Mell shows a great method! She has a brilliant idea to steam the hair in the am to steam with a facial steamer your hair and to use a refresh product to revitalize any wilted curls.  Amazing! 


Georgia-cozy curls demonstrates a scarf method that is fail safe.


I have been using a silky microfiber towel to plop for my curly or wavy clients.  It can be found on Amazon.


For revitalizing, I like DevaCurl Devafresh when using deva curl products or anything that is a more synthetic based curl product.  


Withhttps://www.amazon.com/Surface-Awaken-Mist-Leave-Conditioner/dp/B00SQ3VOPS?ref_=ast_sto_dp a plant base product lines I like Talliah Waajid Moisture Clenz and Protective Mist Bodifier.  These two are great and work best with low-porosity hair.  I also like Surface, Awaken Mist and it is good for all hair types.  


I love sea salt spray especially on the ends and at the roots to reactivate volume and to add crunchiness to finer hair curls.  When using sea salt be sparing and apply only when needed.  A daily application of sea salt spray as an activator will dry out your curls.  Sea salt can reactivate plant based or synthetic based products. 


Applying a bit of ant-frizz mousse glazing curls from roots to ends is also great for revitalizing curls.  


Spray gel and leave in conditioner mixed in a mist spray bottle with distilled water can plump up a wilted cast.  


Co-washing with conditioner between wash days is an option.  Doing so will evenly distribute water throughout the hair and reactivate previously applied regimen.  


Being creative and mental notes about what works for you and does not will benefit your routine.  Take into consideration what works at what time of year.  Humidity and dry air can impact our decisions


Stylist Log One - Low-Porosity