Maintenance Trims vs Hair-Chops

Getting a hair-cut is nerve racking.  Finding a new stylist is over the top nerve racking!

I know this in my core.  Individuals sitting in my chair for the first time are often frustrated, upset with prior experiences and very nervous.  That is 100% true no matter what the back story is or their hair texture. 

I am trained to listen and to hear your story.  After you tell me what has been going on with your previous hair stylists and vision, I am prepared to customize a look for you.

Deva Cuts focus on shape, length, and desired volume.  There is a puzzle that must be solved.  The tighter your curl pattern the less length can be removed, if you just want a trim.  The challenge is most curly individuals get infrequent trims.  The perimeter of the hairline and ends to the interior layers of the style are often compromised in 3 to 4 months since the last trim.  

Subsequently, curly clients get their hair cut less often.  Sometimes waiting eighteen months to two years for a cut.  This is when it feels sacrificial to get the motivation to sit in a stylist’s chair hoping they don’t get scissor happy and do a big chop. 

The challenge is wants vs. need.  After two years in my area, the hard water builds up along with environmental toxins and products have wreaked havoc on the hair.  Just a trim probably won’t eliminate the need for at least two to three inches of damage to be removed.

Cutting in stages is a good course of action.  Starting with a ‘dusting,’ a slight removal of length one-half to one inch just to get a feel for a change.  Creating some layers for volume and lift and then a shaping if permission is granted from the client is essential.  Being cautious is part of my job.


Does a Deva Stylist have to be Naturally Curly to understand curly hair types?


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